Tuesday, May 4, 2010

New Blog Contributors!

As you all know, we were recently looking for volunteers to write for the blog. I'd like to introduce our new volunteers and share some of their work. First though, I must thank Pam for her tireless effort to keep this blog going! She is awesome and not only took on multiple articles, but searched and compiled great photos every time.
Thank you Pam!!

Our new volunteers are 5 incredibly talented photographers. I'm excited to have them contribute to the blog. Please take the time to look at their shops to see more of their work!

Pat will be compiling Mosaic Monday:

Visit Photogenic Gallery!

Lucie will be compiling the Wanderings series:

Visit Lucie Wicker Photography!

Steve will be writing the Focus On articles:

Visit Photo Grunt!

Jessica will be compiling New Works:

Visit Jessica Torres Photography!

Su will be writing From the Collabratory, a new series for the blog:

Visit Nakedeye17!

SeaBelly (julie) likes creating images that you can not place in time. She loves nature and capturing moments in all its tiny worlds that would otherwise go unnoticed. She likes to think this is still the age of exploration.


Unknown said...

Congrats and thanks to all the new contributors. Lovely pieces shown in this post too!

Pam of Always Artistic said...

Thank you Julie!

Welcome to all of the new volunteers, I look forward to reading their articles! Beautiful images selected, they are all very talented!

Me said...

Yay! It will be fuuun!

PhotoGrunt said...

Thanks for the intro Julie! I'm really looking forward to it!