The simple radiance of a single flower stuck in my mind after seeing that photo, and when searching "POE TEAM" for this week's selections, the following photographers and their images all spoke to me in some way. Pismo Shadows (below) for the rich coloring and reflections, and the others for their beauty.

Okay, so maybe this last one wasn't exactly a nature photograph, but I could not resist including it! It, like all the others, remind me that there is beauty all around us. Hopefully some of you will be inspired to go out this weekend and capture it through your lenses after taking a look at these shots.
New Works is compiled by Pam Hardy. Pam lives in beautiful Alberta, Canada. She has always been fascinated with cameras and has been taking pictures most of her life. Her favorite things to photograph are flowers and animals, and she enjoys experimenting with new subjects and techniques. See Pam's website here and her shop right here.
Wow! Thank you so much, Pam, for including "love, Katie" in this feature! It is truly an honor. Thank you, also, for all of your hard work for POE! allie
Nice work, Pam, those are fantastic images. Way to go!!
Peace, Judi
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