Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Featured Seller: ellemoss
Wanderings: World Cup Teams

Lucie Wicker is a Boston, Massachusetts-based photographer who enjoys taking pictures wherever she goes. She is particularly interested in nature, landscape, and travel photography. Her work can be viewed on her website, blog or in her Etsy shop. She can also be found writing about Boston photography happenings as the Boston Neighborhood Photography Examiner.
Saturday, June 26, 2010
From the Collaboratory

Wet Threads by PhotoGrunt
Graceful Hand by Aztek721
Flames by flandersfield
Dandelion Wishes by houseofsixcats
One of the best bits of advice I've heard in a photography class is to experiment with distance. These images demonstrate quite clearly that the details can be beautiful.
Nakedeye17 (Su) thinks of photography as a wake-up call: "Hey, everybody! Are you seeing this?" She loves to capture humor, too, and anything wondrous strange. Find Nakedeye17's shop here
Friday, June 25, 2010
New Works - Looking up Through the Trees

Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Help Etsy improve it's art catagory...
Amy is Etsy's taxonomist, here to improve the categories and subcategories on the site to make shopping on Etsy more user-friendly. Taxonomy is just a fancy word for classifying and organizing information, and taxonomists often play a key role in organizing web content, especially in e-commerce settings.
She has been working on drafting new and revising categories for each of the 31 main categories. The goal of these revisions is to make browsing the categories and subcategories more intuitive and accessible to shoppers, eliminate redundancy, clarify vocabulary, and add categories that will aid in the shopping experience. She would be so happy to get feedback on the proposed changes as an important step in validating this work.
If you would be interested in viewing her pdf file and provide feedback on the proposed changes, please contact Bill and he can send it out to you.
Please keep this in mind when viewing it...
- On the left, you'll see the Art category as it currently appears on the web site.
- On the right, you'll see the proposed future category organization.
- The middle column contains reasoning behind term deletion.
Focus On: Andrea Despot
Our June slide show is LIVE!
The theme is TTV images (Through The Viewfinder) Here is a selection of beautiful images from our very talented team of photographers on Etsy! Visit Etsy and search POE team for more great photography!
Monday, June 21, 2010
Mosaic Monday
close up of dragonfly by forestlight
angel ice winter vintage by gothicrow
pretty as a picture by mkendall
very cold blue fairy with frozen wings by matchstickgirl
grimm path by missquitecontrary
ephemeral light by xenya
a wicked wind will blow the ribbons from your curls by DreambyDay
haunted by ScooyouPhotography
bozo brothers clowns by HeyHarriet
statue of thought by zMacPhotography
Pat of photogenicgallery lives in the northeast United States with her sweetheart husband, two doting dogs & about ten different cameras. She has been known to capture at least one dose of happy moments per day.
Around the world with the POE Kitty...

Margarita kitty
Judi (JudiFitzPatrick) received the Kitty on 10/30/2008. She sent the Kitty to another team member sometime after 12/12/2008.
Here he is on the plane with me flying to Tucson, AZ, on 11/20/08.

Taken in Tucson on 11/23/08.

My daughter, Wendy, was watching the Broncos game. Kitty joined right in and cheered them on. This on 11/30/08.

The photographer photographing the other "photographer". Taken on 12/2, the last day of my visit.

Back at my place, Kitty posed with my old camera.

This is the next to last, taken on 12/12 at my older daughter's place here in Massachusetts.

Kitty Roots For New England/Boston Sports Teams

This post was compiled by Pam Hardy. Pam lives in beautiful Alberta, Canada. She has always been fascinated with cameras and has been taking pictures most of her life. Her favorite things to photograph are flowers and animals, and she enjoys experimenting with new subjects and techniques. See Pam's blog here and her shop right here.
Saturday, June 19, 2010
New Works - Summertime Edition

Friday, June 18, 2010
From the Collaboratory

I stand each day on the shore by honeytree
For a photographer, the foundation, the “mind” part, begins with knowing the basics of photography and how to manipulate them in one's own camera. That means reading the manual, camera in hand, going through the different settings and operations again and again, and taking thousands of photographs, experimenting and learning along the way.
Great Blue Heron by futurowoman
When I first started getting serious about photography, I’d take one shot of a subject I liked and move on to the next. Not a surprise that the results were disappointing. Slowing down is a hard lesson for me, but one that is beginning to pay off.
Now I take several shots of the same subject, playing with settings and distance from the subject until the image I’ve actually taken is the one I wanted to get - or maybe even a little better. This practice has been the best thing ever to get me to understand how my particular camera actually works. I’ve learned, for example, that in general, if I use the recommended settings as indicated on the exposure level indicator, the images come out overexposed. So now, I shoot a couple of stops down, check the display, and shoot again until the result is pleasing.

Play with your camera. Use the glorious freedom digital imaging has given us to take lots and lots of pictures. See what works and what doesn’t. Get to know your equipment so well that adjusting the settings becomes almost automatic. (How many times I have missed a really sweet shot because I was fiddling with the camera!) Muscle memory will start to kick in, and you won't have to think about it so much.
Vincent Versace says he can tell shutter speed by the sound his camera makes when he snaps the picture. That’s the “body” part of the equation.
The more your body and mind are trained – in other words, the better you know your camera and the principles of your art, the more your “heart” can inform the images you capture.
Heart My Book by SarahMoldovan
Some or all of the proceeds from sales of these photos will be donated to help various organizations working to repair the devastation along the Gulf Coast. Squid21r will donate $5 from each purchase of The Caiman to the National Audubon Society, which is assisting in recover efforts along the Gulf. HelpTheGulfCoast, where I found the photos by ClydeKeller Photo, honeytree, SarahMoldovan and futurowoman, will donate 100% of the proceeds (after etsy & paypal fees) to OxFam America and the National Wildlife Federation. Both organizations have given permission to fundraise on their behalf.
Nakedeye17 (Su) thinks of photography as a wake-up call: "Hey, everybody! Are you seeing this?" She loves to capture humor, too, and anything wondrous strange. Find Nakedeye17's shop here
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Wanderings: Alaska

Lucie Wicker is a Boston, Massachusetts-based photographer who enjoys taking pictures wherever she goes. She is particularly interested in nature, landscape, and travel photography. Her work can be viewed on her website, blog or in her Etsy shop. She can also be found writing about Boston photography happenings as the Boston Neighborhood Photography Examiner.