Sara Harley, a fellow Etsy photographer and founding member of Paws For Charity, is inviting POE Members who photograph dogs and cats to participate in a new Paws for Charity Book project.
The Origin:
Paws For Charity was created in 2006 by four Eastern Ontario entrepreneurs who owned dog-related businesses. The four women worked together to raise money for breast cancer charity. A complete article was featured on the Women Can Do Anything e-zine, and details are available here. Articles about previous Paws For Charity projects were also published in Canadian Living Magazine and Canadian Home and Country Magazine. You can also find out more about the PFC group on their blog.
The Project:
An art book compilation of photographs or paintings from up to 40 artists, featuring dogs and/or cats. (i.e., dog, cat, dog and cat, person and dog, person and cat, person and dog and cat... you get the idea).
The Specifics:
Books will be produced through an online, on demand publishing company (i.e., Blurb or something similar). Softcover, 7 x 7 inches, up to 40 pages. Online price will be set at $5 above publishing cost. Profits will be donated to a breast cancer charity. Each page of the book will have one image and will include a short bio (if possible) and contact information of the photographer or artist. Copyrights of the images will remain with the contributors.
Profits will be divided as follows:
- if under $100 annually, profits will be donated to one breast cancer charity (to be determined by majority vote of participants)
- if over $100 annually, profits will be divided proportionately by country of donations
(i.e., if 40% of sales come from US, 40% of total donation will go to a US breast cancer charity)
The Participants:
PFC is looking for up to 40 photographers and artists who are willing to contribute one jpeg file of a photo or piece of artwork featuring a dog or cat (copyright of the image remains with the artist).
The Details:
- Submit a jpeg image (resolution 300 or higher) of your art/photo via email to Sara (saraharley@ns.sympatico.ca) with Paws For Charity as your subject line.
- Include a brief bio with your image including your name, the website or blog address you would like published in the book, and a square black and white photo of yourself.
- Contributors are encouraged to include a Paws For Charity logo on their blog and/or website with a link to the PFC blog (will be provided).
- Contributors are encouraged to post an article on their blog (if they have one) about their participation in the project.
- Contributors are encouraged (but not required) to post articles on their blog about the other participants.
The benefits:
- All participants will be listed on the Paws for Charity blog, with links to their websites or blogs.
- A separate blog post featuring each participant will be posted on the PFC blog and Sara's blog.
- Articles about the project and participants will be sent to online e-zines and hard copy magazines, and any known articles published will be communicated to all participants.
- 1 copy of the completed book will be available at cost to all participants (purchase is not required to participate).
This is a terrific project for a wonderfully worthy cause, so if you are interested in participating, send Sara a quick email (saraharley@ns.sympatico.ca) to let her know, and hurry! Artwork and photo submissions are due by February 28, 2009. Final selection of participants will be made by Sara on or before March 6, 2009. Contributors will be selected to ensure a well balanced art book of photos and artwork.
What an inspiring reason to get those shutters clicking! Thanks for letting us know Sara, and good luck to all submitting POE members.
Thank you POE for the heads up on this one. I have submitted to Sara and I appreciate the info...sounds like a very worthy cause.
Wonderful charity and cause. I will contact Sara today!
I'm off to contact Sara - what a wonderful idea!
Oh sweet! I think i'll have to submit some photographs. Thanks! Nice photos and great cause too!
Thanks for posting this article...what wonderful photos! I've already received some great submissions for our Paws for Charity art book project thanks to you!
really fantastic idea! i would love to submit an image of my sweeties for such a great cause!
Beautiful cause. I love the photos posted also.
What a great cause! I need to join in :) And thanks for featuring my Lazy Whippet! :)
Thank you for the post! What a wonderful cause. I will contact Sara today!
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